
UNN20200105 インラインスケート


UNN20200112 IT revolutionの議論

UNN20200119 AIのよる失業の対策

UNN20200118IT revolution

Globalization expands the gap between rich and poor. Populism is prevailing in this world giving misinformation for those people.

Population will decline within next 3 or 4 decades. But AI will take our jobs within 3 or 4 years. So we need to consider new job opportunity from overseas protecting unemployment caused by AI.

Unemployment ratio will increase next 3 to5 years because of AI development.  So how do we solve this issue? It is not easy action to be considered.

Japanese IT companies can make deep learning applications for Asian countries. We need to find our advantage to sell those  software. Otherwise we can not compete Chinese IT companies.

80% of doctors will be replaced by AI within a few years. How can we save those doctors? Japanese should have unique skills to sell to overseas with deep learning systems.

Japan trend in near future Younger generation need to take care of elderly people; elderly loneliness is prevailing; Globalization will be accelerating; Public debt will be rising.

UNN2020118 Japan trend

We summarize current Japanese situation comparing the rest of the world. And what is the issues and how to consider the near future prospects.

Aging society is not coming within a decade. Globalization is only proceeding as products. We need to consider exports of skills and know-how to save our jobs in Japan.

AI revolution especially deep learning will progress into our business eliminating skilled workers in Japan. We need to develop new jobs for those workers extending job opportunity outside Japan.

How to develop Japanese bland? We need to sell our people, not product. Ghosn issue showed us communication gap among Japanese journalists and overseas. We need to fill in those gap.

Japanese will not communicate overseas people.  This is the big issue which we need to solve. They want to sell their products but do not want to spend time with their partners. This issue need to e solved. But how?



UNN2020125 Japan trend2

Japanese are unified as a team. They can not propose the bit by their own standard. They need to follow on the Japanese standard.

Japanese do not like to take dinner with non-Japanese.  They do not want to communicate with foreigners in depth.

I made a fault to treat with respect for my American followers at Accenture era. If I did do that I could get more skills and knowledge from them.

How are we going to solve the communication gap among Japanese and foreigners? I did not spent my private time for foreigners especially after 5 pm.

Trust relationship is most important issue to build human network. We can not build this relationship with foreigners.

Japan trend will have several issues to be discussed. Biggest issue is aging society and also loneliness adds on aging people’s life.

Japanese culture is very unique. They say ‘We’ instead of ‘I’. They are not individualism, but collectivism.   

UNN20200104 IT革命が今年から本格化していくが、その中でも深層学習によるビジネスの予測のシステムがどんどん普及していく。その結果をどう評価するのかが大きな課題

UNN20200108 Iran issues










UNN20200115 Ghosn










UNN2020129 trade war


