


水を混ぜて魚を摸る (みずをかきまぜて、さかなをさぐる) 水の汚れ、すなわち混乱に乗じて敵をとらえると言う意味だ。あなたの敵の軍隊と交戦する前に認識と判断を

金蝉、殻を脱ぐ (きんせん、からをぬぐ) 陣容を少しも変えず、敵を欺き、あたかも陣容がそのままであるかのようにして、脱出する。

門を関ざして賊を捉う (もんをとざして、ぞくをとらう) もし敵を完全に捉えるチャンスがあるなら、そうするべきだし、それによって、戦闘もしくは戦争を即座に

遠く交わり近く攻む (とおくまじわり、ちかくせむ) お互いに隣り合っている国家は敵になり、 遠距離と障害物によって隔てられている国家は良い同盟国になることが知られて

UNN20200509 三十六計



道を仮りて鯱を伐つ(みちをかりて、かくをうつ) 共通の敵を攻撃するために同盟国の資源を借りろ。その敵を打ち負かしたら、最初に資源を貸してくれた同盟国を攻めろ

梁を偸み柱に換う(はりをぬすみ、はしらにかう) かっての中国の軍の陣形は十字であった。ここではその縦軸が「梁」で横軸は「柱」である。その陣形では、梁と柱に

桑を指して槐を罵る(くわをゆびさして、えんじゅをののしる) 情勢もしくは形勢が直接対立していない国を懲らしめたり、管理したり、もしくは警告したりするためには例え

痴を仮るも癲せず(ちをいつわるも、てんせず) 表面、愚かのように見せかけ、利口ぶったりしない。あなたの意図もしくは動機について混乱させるために、間抜け、酔っぱ

UNN20200513 パンデミック後の仕事

会社にとって、ニューノーマルとは何だろうか。 パンデミックのために数百万人の労働者たちが自宅で働いている。その多くは会社には戻らないかもしれない。







空城の計 敵が数で勝っていて、いつでも侵略されそうな状況の時に、軍備が充実しているような見せかけを止めて、普段着で、行動しろ。

反間の計 敵の陣地の中で、敵自身のスパイに仲違いの種をまかせろ。

苦肉の計 敵の信頼を勝ち取るために、自らに危害を加える。

連環の計 重要な問題に於いて、同時に幾つかの戦術が利用されるべきである。

走ぐるを上と為す(にぐるをじょうとなす) あなたの行動が負けることが明らかになったのであれば、撤退し、再編成せよ。

UNN20200502War and Samurai

What is Japanese spirits in Edo era? What was the difference between Japanese value and Westerners?

How many are civilians killed at WWll? It is very difficult to estimate those figures in Asian countries.

Statistics of death in Asia in WWll is so big differences among various data. We can not estimate how many dead in each countries.

Asian war in WWll was mainly engaged in China. Japanese military occupied many countries in Asia, but not big battle against their enemies except China.

Abenomask is very good for use instead of normal mask. Because this size is two third of normal one. It is very comfortable for wearing it.

Abenomask delivery was so quick. Usually government work will takes time for any action.

Why do not Japanese GDP grow past several decades? Only car industry do business overseas well.

If Japanese companies want to expand their business overseas they need to concern consensus politics developing better communication with foreign people.

UNN20200530 呉子






UNN20200509 Hakkou-Ichiu

What is Hakkou-Ichiu which means one family  under Heaven as  Japanese Shinto concept before WWll.

Current Japanese lost the spirits of Japan especially based on Shinto and Confucianism. We need to revive those spirits by education.

Imperial rescript on education is based on Hakkou-Ichiu explaining human network organizing our society.

Christianity teaches the kindness for neighbors and trust relationship. Is this similar to Japanese Hakkou-Ichiu?

Priests landed in South America then military followed to occupy there with brutality. Does It mean Christianity activity is coordinated with military action?

Japanese people is isolated from the rest of the world. This is the issue of Japanese indifference to world events, not based on the Shinto nor Confucianism.

Political action correlates closely with military action. Hkkou-Ichiu is mainly focused on political issue, but military used it conveniently.

Japanese military invaded Manchuria and Japanese government encouraged Japanese farmers to immigrate their forcing out Chinese farmers. They are omly 270,000 people for 14 years. This area is three times bigger than Japanese territory.

ヘッダー 三十六計

UNN20200511 Nippon Kaigi

How do we think about Nippon Kaigi? Why so many politicians join this right-wing organization?

We need to consider which parts of Nippon Kaigi are right-wing thinking. Majority of their messages are not right-wing. But many Japanese feel uncomfortable their message. Why?

UNN20200516 GHQ

What did GHQ do for Japan after WWll? We need to consider the fact happened  while they occupied.

GHQ might be much influenced by left-wing politicians and also dropped to watch and control left-wing teachers’ association. We had left biased education for 70 years.