
UNN 20190106 Skate





UNN 20190106 Skate






UNN 20190120 Skating








UNN 201900127 Skating





UNN 20190115 mencius








Whenever it is, you should learn to listen to your wife’s needs.どんな時でも妻の要望を聞いてあげなければならない。


You should behave according to your wife’s psychological situation. 男は相手の心の状態に合わせるべきである。

中庸 不足でもなく、余分のところもなく、丁度適当にバランスよく行動できるということは、人徳としては最高のものだ。しかし、そのような人を見ることは少なくなった。


UNN 20190109 climate change

Professor Jordan Peterson on climate change and climate policy at the Cambridge Unionの解説で彼の意見は興味深い。大橋が解説している。



UNN 20190105 multi-culture

How can European people  fill those gaps between Europe and Japan?

American expats are only staying in Japan for 3 years and they are not interested in Japanese culture and value.

If we try to fill in our gap it takes a few years to study. It is the same for European.

European people do not like buy your products. They want their solution of their problems.

Japanese do not globalize for many decades, so we need to focus on foreigners in Japan training them about Japanese value and the way of thinking.

You should deliver values to clients instead of selling your products.

Japanese is not easy to persuade overseas people to sell training business which focuses on Japanese value and Japanese way.

Unno School has very strong advantage of globalization knowledge and English skill. But those advantages are useful to focus on non-Japanese companies.

You should still consider to do business with overseas people and meet them to check wether they are interested in your concerns or not.

We had better consider our business to focus on Japanese  overseas subsidiaries to improve their business and communication.


UNN 201900112 Confucius







The genius of Confuciusの例文と単語の解説

The genius of Confuciusの例文と単語の解説 (2)

The genius of Confuciusの例文と単語の解説 (3)

The genius of Confuciusの例文と単語の解説 (4)

The genius of Confuciusの解説

UNN 20190112 multi-culture

Germany, Italy and France are different issues and problems. But Japan is one single country.

What is critical thinking?

Japanese follow their parents and their seniors.

European try to simplify, but Japanese try to get in detail.

Japanese always hide something and do not open their heart.

Seven steps training for better communication with  overseas subsidiaries people.

If you make 90 minutes presentation you can speak 30 minutes and another 60 minutes will be for questions.

Japanese society is implicit, so need to change to be explicit for better understanding by European people.

Why only Japan is angry for Ghosen? It is strange. 

Japan have a big gap among the rest of world. We do not have intermediators.


UNN 20190107 Gap between Japan and Europe

Summary of the gap between Japan and Europe and 7 steps to cope  with those gaps.


UNN 20190119 malaysia

What is the difference between Germany and Japan regarding the reason of starting WWll?

The major reason Japan started the war against US was oil embargo.

100 years ago and now are the same problem which is bad communication with overseas countries.

UNN 20190126 japan value for foreigners

Imperial examination in China was abolished in 1905 replacing confucianism to western knowledge importing their technology

Japan  drastically grew their economy since Meiji era. But communication with overseas people was not encouraged because of carrying out closed-door policy all the time.

Japanese does not know who we are. we are very much different from the rest of world.


UNN 201900126 doctrine of mean

The Genius of Confuciusのビデオの内容の解説

The Genius of Confuciusのビデオの内容の解説(2)

The Genius of Confuciusのビデオの内容の解説(3)

The Genius of Confuciusのビデオの単語の意味


UNN 201900126 diversity

2500 years ago in China wife was bought from her family like slave. But after she get in new family  her power is superior to her husband.

Man is rational and woman is emotional?


UNN 20190128 MECE

MECE is about the principle of “mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive”.

Netherland education is unique allowing students more flexible studying attitudes. 

Students in Netherland read books by themselves and elder students teach young ones.

It is difficult to understand that they can study of their own will. How are they manage their progress?