
UNN20200302 education

Japanese are based on collectivism, westerners individualism. What are the difference between them? We can consider the difference of their educational system.

Westerners’ education is much more focused on children’s motivation with which they will have their objectives of their future.

Memorization, especially English words,  is important. I am reading Economist for 2 decades still with a dictionary. But Japanese education policy switched from memorization to creativity thinking 3 or 4 decades ago.   

Japanese teachers do not want to teach Japanese history after 1850 in which our past people waged war against westerners. At that time we did good and bad thing for overseas people.  Out children need to study it.

Japanese education need to emphasize Japanese identity and how to live and give them the objective to study.

UNN20200307 孫子の兵法







天を瞞いて海を渡る  (てんをあざむいて、うみをわたる) 擬装の手段を用いて相手を誘い、それにつけこんで勝利を収める策略である。

斉は)魏を囲んで趙を救う (ぎをかこんで ちょうをすくう) 魏が趙の都邯鄲を襲っていたが、斉は趙を助けるために虚をついて魏の都大梁を襲った。

UNN20200325 corona virus

ヨーロッパとアメリカがどのような感染者の推移を示しているかの表だが、各国はイタリアがどのような 政策を取るのかを注目している。



UNN20200307 collectiveness and suicide

Japanese collectivism is very much different from westerners. They are so much kind of helping  and greeting each other.

Black kids do not study hard. Because they can not prospect their future. Family environment is also not stable. But they need to build their goal and prospect.

France is handling immigrants equally. England is not. They got fringe benefits and very poor. Also they turn to crime like stealing causing social problems.

Islam immigrants are difficult to cooperate with christianity. They can not assimilate into western world. They do not change their life style.

Drug dealing can not get money. Many people still have an American dream. We can not expect it now. But if we compare Japan America has more opportunity and freedom than Japan.

US public schools do not well organized their education. But we need to investigate who can enter good university.

90% of Japanese go to college. US people graduate  college only 40%. Educational background is so different.

The contents of American university lecture are very difficult. That is the reason why Japanese does not go to US university. They can not catch up the school curriculum.

Many European universities do not have exam. Students are admitted to those universities  on the recommendation of their high school. Tokyo University admits a few % of students for their admission.

Coronavirus infection is very similar to influenza. But many people criticize my opinion. they say this infection is very dangerous. I believe media is making a lots of noise. It will take a few months for calming down.   

Why suicide by overwork happens? We need to consider workers’ mental stress. Committing suicide causes by the mental stress of which we should analyze the reason.

Not only suicide issue we need to consider  what is most important for our life. We consider our family’s happiness first instead of work first. Without attaining happy life in our family work can not succeed.   

Human resource department needs to take care of employee’s family not only employee himself. Because the peace and stability of his family is most important issue for the motivation of his work.    

Any Japanese company does not consider family first instead of work first. It is wrong. Family is the basic fundamental of cultivating self for doing work.

UNN20200314 individualism

How do you think stock price under corona virus outbreak? It will be serious situation for a while.

Individualism is prevailing in western society, not collectivism.  Japanese society is the same as western society.

Black children in US society are no hope in their future. It is dangerous and completely wrecked in their educational system

Collectivism is organized by individualism. Western society is based on individualism including setting goals.

Westerners are always individualism. But asian people especially Japanese say “we are” instead of “I am”. This is different from westerners.

Japan invaded and controlled Manchuria or organized them. At initial stage Japanese invaded but later they changed their occupied rule more loosely.

Japanese army occupied Singapore at WWll and controlled and managed British army as POW, not Singaporean.

Why asian people are sorted out to collectivism is religion. Buddhism is different from christianity which believes God.

Japan invaded Asia at WWll. No. They battled against British and Australian army and lived together with local people for 3 years.

Japanese did wrongdoing for Korean farmer in 1910-20. They took farmer’s land so they sold their wife and daughters to brothel.

Why Japanese students do not want to go to American university? They are comfortable in Japan. American university is very harsh for study.

Why Japan do not grow in their economy? They do not have ambition. In America they have a big capability to success even if there exists illusion.

Japanese do not have identity? They are not proud of their nationality? Why they are not respect national anthem and national flag.

We need to give hope and dream for our children. School should be more harsh for their study. Otherwise we will not grow in our future.

UNN20200316 individualism2

Westerners’ individualism is based on christianity. They have a strong belief under one God. They need discussion and debate, otherwise can not make consensus each other.   

Japanese belief is based upon Confucianism since Edo era. Tokugawa used this moral philosophy to stabilize their organization. This philosophy  continues until now.

American occupation army eliminated Japanese belief, moral and spirits after WWll. Japanese need to educate children giving their dream and hope.


Individualism in western countries is based upon God.They communicate with God individually.

African people are collectivism. They are organized by tribes. Chinese are the same as African tribes. Japanese are one large tribe as collectivism.

Kamikaze was not hero. Because they are forced to attack American warships. In Manchuria closing the end of war Russian military invaded there. At that time students of military school attacked Russian tanks protecting Japanese farmers. They are hero

Japanese army defeated at the Battles of Khalkhin Gol known as the Nomonhan Incident in 1939. They are so much confidence to beat against Russian who are strong and well prepared to beat Japanese army.   

The Hull note, officially the Outline of Proposed Basis for Agreement Between the United States and Japan, was the final proposal delivered to the Empire of Japan by the United States of America. The note was delivered on November 26, 1941

American government intentionally forced Japan to wage a war. Japanese are very poor to communicate with American government and did not have a skills to make propaganda for American people.     

Not only Japanese army but also Japanese company are opaque to their decision-making or responsibility to take.

Japanese company has a big gap between their headquarter and oversews branches for their thinking approach and decision way.

Why Japanese death toll is so small comparing with EU and China regarding Corona virus? Japanese standards of hygiene is very high level.

Japanese companies decided overseas investment with failure because they can not get a accurate information of their target company even if they asked an accounting firm, a lawyer and a consulting firm.

Midway operation was a bad coordination among navy team especially submarines which could not attack a American space crafts.

American army retreated from Syria instead of Kurd issues against Turkey. Is it unfair of them to retreat from Idlib?   



刀を借りて人を殺す 自分の手を用いず、自分と敵以外の第三者の力を利用する方法と敵を利用する方法とがある。自らの兵力とは別の兵力を使って攻撃をする。

逸を以って労を待つ (いつをもって、ろうをまつ) 敵を疲れさせる一方で、こちらはエネルギーを蓄える。時と場所を選んで有利な立場(「逸」の意味)にたつことを意味する。

火に趁んで劫を打く (ひにつけこんで、おしこみをはたらく) 燃えている家から略奪をすること。国が内紛によって悩まされている時、病気と飢饉が国民を荒廃させている時

UNN20200331 individualism

In Japanese history spirit of soldiers is very unique comparing the rest of world. Also emperor’s structure continues more than 2000 years.

Japanese are different from westerners for Covid-19. Death tall is very few comparing with developed countries.

Westerners speak their opinions if they feel different from their thinking. But Japanese follow on the group opinion even if their opinion is different from others.