
UNN20191201 先週の実績と今週の予定






UNN20191222 先週の実績と今週の予定


UNN20191229 先週の実績と今週の予定

Deep Learningの課題と欠陥


UNN20191207 Deep learning

Why do we need mathematical skills for this deep learning? We must make a judgement of output from a machine.

WE have big gaps between deep learning experts and management missing understanding of mathematics.

How do we submit the calculation method for deep learning without predicted result?

We may estimate economic trend by deep learning using quantum computer because its speed of calculation.

UNN20191209 AI

GOOGLE reduced their data center energy consumption by 40% using AI with AlphaGo technology and IOT.

GOOGLE data center case is a big impact for all industries to improve their efficiency relating not only energy but many kinds of  capability.

How are companies and AI experts developing this technology into their business? Already start to do it?

UNN20191214IT revolution

Who can judge the accuracy of deep learning systems? Those systems are based on sophisticated  mathematics calculation.

I studied DX report prepared by METI last year recognizing Japanese IT industry is lagging behind. So I decided to study Japanese IT current status.

Outsourcing business in China is shifting to southeast Asia and China is now focusing on AI business.

We are discussing AI capability within 5 years. Because without year limits we can discuss everything will be capable.

We do not need to code everything. Because lots of open source codings are available to create systems which you want.   

Until last year we thought AI eliminates TAXI driver within a few years, but now this is impossible. So now we recognize AI is not almighty.

UNN20191221 IT revolution

In 19th century at the early stage of industrial revolution they have no growth of GDP. It means no productivity and efficiency in their society?

We need to doubt the results of deep learning system. Some adjustment is needed to get more accurate the prediction of business.

AI will make more income gap among rich and poor. Because this IT revolution will not generate more efficiency of business, but only give profits for IT titan.   

TV will not be watched in near future and smartphone and social media will be more utilized by AI technology.

AI systems are different among every projects. So IBM and other titans are investing those systems for many industries and different type of objectives.

FAA asked Boing to stop the production of 737MAX airplane. They could not find problematic coding because of huge system.   

UNN20191228yuva and ITrevolution

Yuva’s presentation for Mahathir of Malaysia

UNN20191204 NATO

NATOワトフォードサミットではやっかいな3人が主役だ。 厄介な同盟国。そしてお互い譲らない。

UNN20191207 孫子の兵法











UNN20191218 Boing

ボーイングは737 MAXの戦略を間違えた?デニス マレンバーグは離れる時が来た。そして新たなアプローチをするため


UNN20191221 孫子の兵法


これからの新しいIT開発は効率性ではなく、将来予測のシステムだ。Deep Learningと量子コンピュターだ。



