
UNN20190804 Skating

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UNN20190811 Skating



UNN20190803 rich people

How the rich get richer How to solve this issues.

Can we build AI without losing control?  Can we do it?

We will have risks for AI. So we need to prepare how to protect those risk in future. Are you sure?

We need to discuss ethical points for AI risk. But What is it? We do not expect AI’s progress  in future.

UNN20190818 Skating



UNN20190803 sunze







UNN20190825 Skating

2019年8月25日 先週の実績と今週の予定









UNN20190831 孫子の兵法









UNN20190810 populism rich people and poor

Firebase is very good for creating applications for smart phone.

We should watch Softbank 2019 event video. It is so impressive for AI technology which Mr Son presented.

What is populist leaders?

Populist leaders are support for Brexit, against immigration and help for poor people.

IT titans are evading taxes and typical rich companies to be criticized.

In Europe many countries accumulate enormous debts.

European companies accumulate big debts with low interest rates.

Only rich people can get big loans.

Why do they accumulate their loan? It does not make sense.

Debts should be balanced with assets. Why problem for those debts?

Banks lend money and they can get a credit for a lender. It is an asset.

Why does government debt increase? Because they spent more money than their income.

Government  policy is different from ordinary peoples’ intension for their spending.

Government can reduce corporate tax, but not be easy to increase tax with acceptance from their people.

French bank lend money more than your deposit money. So if you failed investment  you can not pay them back.

Japanese banks are conservative and will not lend money more than their mortgage.

Why do Japanese banks employ so many people? It is  ridiculous.

Why did Japanese companies lag behind in their growth?

Japanese IT is impossible to catch up with global level.


Inequality  is expanding. How do we need to save poor people?

We need to consider redistribution of our assets for poor people.

In America 1% people occupy nation’s asset. They need to consider how to save majority of ordinary people’s life.

UNN20190828 Huaweiと共産党









UNN20190828 ボリス・ジョンソン





ジョンソンは風見鶏だからBrexit partyなどのポピュリストたちに影響を受けるだろう。そうなるとNo dealの可能性が大きくなる。

UNN20190812 populism and Malaysia

German is similar to US for gap among rich and poor now. Also talk about Firebase.

Discuss for Firebase. And European employment system was similar to lifetime employment before. But now it is changing.

In Europe many companies are outsourcing their jobs to Eastern Europe. So their employees are losing jobs.

Poor people are increasing causing the support for populist politicians.

Large wealth fund invests money for rich people causing more big gap among rich and poor.

American IT titans is target for controlling their profit evasion by governments.

Globally populism is expanding. How about Malaysia?

Malaysia can not catch up with developed countries without investment for infrastructure and education.

Malaysia is easy to build trust relationship with Japanese rather than India and other Asian countries.

Malaysia for Japanese is similar to Taiwan which has a strong relationship with China.

Johor Bahru in Malaysia and Singapore is the same relations of Shenzhen and Hong ˚Kong.

UNN20190824 Populism

Japanese and Westerners are difficult to adjust and fill in the communication gap.

Populism is prevailing in the world causing a lots of unrest and vulnerability in our society.   

Globalization is failed at the some aspect of a current world situation.

Middle class in Germany is disappearing because factories are moving to Poland.

Facebook, Amazon and other titans are evading their tax moving HQ to tax heaven.

People can judge for those titans evading tax. Are you sure?

Globalization and IT revolution will change workers environment which generates large scale of unemployment.

US adopted lifetime employment before, now focus on the profit for stock holders.

US companies maximize shareholders values rather than their employees value.

In Japan we are losing job opportunity because of mainly IT revolution.

How do we consider the job creation for increasing unemployed people?

UNN20190826 Populism

What is populism? Why everybody concerns it?

How to solve the issues generated by globalization especially for poverty and inequality.

Taxi drivers are losing their jobs in near future. They do not have savings. We need to consider universal basic income.

We can consider our issues for unemployment. But we must focus on our economic future capability which is IT revolution.

Japanese companies are reluctant to pay money for system. Because they see only next 3 years.

UNN20190831 Populism and inequality

Income inequality  is spreading in the world. And poverty is increasing.

Japanese are equal for their salary and different from overseas’ CEOs’.

Japanese are treated equal in our country including pension plan.

Japanese can not speak English. We failed our education after WWll.

US is an affluent society. Even if annual income is $25,000 they can make a living.

Japanese companies say they are  global. But they can not manage overseas operations.

Our concern is how to save poor income people.


We can get more tax or create new tax for capital investment for saving poor people.

We can get more tax from IT titans like Amazon, Facebook to redistribute those money to poor people.

Universal basic income idea does not match with our ethics. We need to make efforts to get money.

Even if taxi drivers are losing their jobs because of AI we can provide new jobs although their salary might be more cheaper, but can survive.